A Recovery Manual and Workbook
by Nathan Jones (Author), Eddie Capparucci (Author)
This new book (Routledge -September '23) provides a comprehensive overview of the Inner Child Model™ for treating Addictive Behaviors, a trauma-based approach to the treatment of various addictions including alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex, spending, smoking, etc.
Research indicates the onset of addiction originates in childhood trauma, inability to process emotional discomfort, and attachment disorders.
This book addresses each of these issues to assist individuals in overcoming the drivers of addictive behaviors. But more importantly, provides solutions to help those who struggle to learn to manage their addiction.
It contains numerous case studies in which readers will see themselves and their stories throughout the pages and assists readers in generating a comprehensive recovery roadmap that will provide real-world solutions to staying one step ahead of their addiction.
While there have been books written about the Inner Child, few focus on how the Inner Child impacts addiction. This unique and interactive therapeutic approach empowers individuals by assisting them in understanding "why" they engage in addictive behaviors.
This book is written for anyone struggling with behavioral/substance addiction, their loved ones, and clinicians working in the field of addiction treatment.
Why Inner Child Therapy?
Addictions are responsible for individuals engaging in harmful behaviours that result in erosion of self-worth, destruction of relationships, and in some cases, legal consequences. Alcohol, drugs, sex and gambling all have the ability to take control of our lives and take us into a pit of despair.
Mental health and addictions are growing at an alarming rate and along with this, many of the techniques and programs designed to treat addiction are ineffective and leave individuals who have tried to quit numerous times, frustrated, helpless and without hope. Individuals are locked in darkness, and their families are being destroyed with them. We know because we see it every day in our practice.
Can you relate to the following?
We believe the solution to helping individuals escape the stranglehold of these addictive behaviours is the answer to a simple question – why?
"Why does my addiction have a stronghold on my life?" The answer to that question can be found in our Inner Child.
When activated, the Inner Child will correlate current negative events with the past's painful events and emotions therefore heightening an individual’s emotional discomfort. The Child will lead the individual to seek an escape from the emotional pain by engaging in destructive addictive behaviours. This is done to provide the Inner Child with its number one need – comfort. When an Inner Child is activated, individuals struggling with addiction will compulsively turn to soothing behaviours to reduce the troubling emotions they are experiencing.
The road to recovery from addiction goes through your childhood. The Inner Child is running the show when it comes to an individual's addiction. The Inner Child Recovery Process for Addictive Disorders is a new and unique therapy for treating addiction and has been proven successful with a large majority of individuals in our clinical practice.
This interactive treatment approach empowers individuals by helping you to learn how to manage painful emotions and heal from unresolved childhood trauma. This knowledge allows you to stay one step ahead of your addiction by becoming aware of the core emotional triggers that activate your Inner Child.
By becoming aware of the Child, its pain points; and core emotional triggers, individuals can take an active role in successfully managing their addictions.
A meditation exercise designed to connect you with your Inner Child
London Centre for Addictions Ltd
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Tel: 020 3870 5170